Only the best water for whisky. Only AcquaPhi.

Whisky Barolo Martorana

The water enhancement that will change my dog's life forever.

I recently decided to install the AcquaPhi Big in my home for the benefit of not only myself and my wife, Elena Barolo, but most importantly our beloved dog, Whisky. As the owner, it is always very important to me.., so the water Whisky drinks must be of the highest quality.

It is the same with animals as it is with humans and plants: fresh water is the basis of all life. There are cases where pets drank too little water and consequently became dehydrated simply because they did not like the tap water they were given.the tap water they were given did not taste good. This can have serious consequences, leading to reduced food intake and even to lack of energy and loss of performance.

And that's where the AcquaPhi Big comes into play. Thanks to the waterr refinement of the AcquaPhi, I now have the best glacier-quality water available in my house. It has a more natural taste than regular tap water, so I don't have to worry about whisky not liking the water - unlike tap water.In fact, he loves it.

Whisky and ElenaThis is Whisky, my dog and the unofficial AcquaPhi Ambassador.

It's strange that people always worry about the food the pets eat, but not the water the pets drink, because that's even more important. Since I've been giving Whisky AcquaPhi Water, I have noticed that he is much more alive than before. The AcquaPhi water may well have positive effects on the health of the pets, as it has an increased pH and improves the absorption of oxygen by dhe animal's cells, which ultimately leads to more energy and increased performance.

By the way, AcquaPhi water not only has a positive effect on drinking, but also on external use.The lower acid content has a positive effect on the coat of the four-legged friends and it appears shinier and healthier than before. I wish all dog owners could give their dogs clean and healthy water, just like I give Whisky.

Another great feature of AcquaPhi is that it is maintenance-free, making it a long-term, environmentally friendly and sustainable solution for healthier water. The AcquaPhi Big will now provide my house with the best water for 20 years and I won't have to worry about a thing.e need to worry about anything else. So it's not just whisky that benefits from AcquaPhi water, it's us humans too.

Follow Whisky on Instagram: whisky_barolo

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